what is air roasting?

Coffee roasting is the art of unlocking the quality and flavor within each coffee bean. One thing to consider is that roasting can never create quality it can only unravel it. That is why at The Roaster, we have extremely high standards when it comes to selecting the green coffee beans, their transportation and storage.

We also employ master roasters who are experts at air roasting, because we know that nothing ruins good coffee like a bad roast!

coffee beans

Why Air Roast?

We air-roast because we want the richest, smoothest taste possible, and that needed us to break away from the traditional drum roasting technique.

That’s why we bought the Sivetz fluid-bed roaster, which guarantees a much richer, cleaner, smoother, mellower and more consistent taste that’s free of the bitter smokiness conventional steel drums might cause, every time!

how does it work?

This process keeps coffee beans suspended on a bed of hot air called “fluid bed” in constant motion inside what we call a vortex within the roasting chamber, never allowing them to scorch or roast unevenly on hot metal. There’s no better way to roast more accurately or consistently.

As the beans pop, crack and caramelize during the roasting process, they shed their skin, called the chaff, and the hot air blows the chaff into a separate chamber. The smoke this chamber creates is quickly evacuated from the roasting chamber, preventing our coffee from literally smoking itself as it roasts.

coffee beans